These are the two books I read this week. They are on the complete opposite spectrums of eachother, although both had good insight I think. The first book was recommended to me by a friend who after reading it finally decided to get out a relationship that wasnt the best for her. This book helps girls understand more of what is really going on inside a guys head. Id recommend it to most girls in the south...Since it seems like the norm for girls in the south to think that they have to be married by 22 giving up their careers and having babies. Redeeming Love is a book Ive been told to read for years. It is a slow start and seems like maybe it could be a 100 pages shorter, but I really enjoyed the book. The title kinda speaks for itself. This book is a perfect picture of the love of Christ. This book is a spin off the book of Hosea, which I plan to read later this week. It is a perfect reminder God can capture and change the hearts of anyone...even a prostitute.