So, I'm not much of a blogger, but when a friend showed me this I knew I had to post. All of the girls below are amazing, talented women of God. I'm blessed to call them all friends! None of them are looking for a signifcant other, but will make a great teammate and partner for life one day!!

Second on the list would be my roomate, Haley. That is her 
to the right. Haley is a senior PR major at ASU. Let me just tell you....this girl is a hard worker. If she sets a goal, she always reaches it. She is smart, talented, and always has a smile on her face. When she isn't running around like crazy for her internship at the Foundation of the Arts, or with her job as a marketing coordinator at the #1 realestate company in Northeast Arkansas, she can be found reading, playing the piano at her church, or socializing. Haley never turns down the chance to socialize. She is constantly seeking to be a better person, to grow, and to help others....and this is something I like about her.

to the right. Haley is a senior PR major at ASU. Let me just tell you....this girl is a hard worker. If she sets a goal, she always reaches it. She is smart, talented, and always has a smile on her face. When she isn't running around like crazy for her internship at the Foundation of the Arts, or with her job as a marketing coordinator at the #1 realestate company in Northeast Arkansas, she can be found reading, playing the piano at her church, or socializing. Haley never turns down the chance to socialize. She is constantly seeking to be a better person, to grow, and to help others....and this is something I like about her.

The next person I find a true delight is my roomie Michelle. I call her Marcel, after that funny youtube video. Why, I'm not really sure. Michelle is the quiet one of the bunch. She is also the only red head. We all love that about her. She is sincere and finds satisfaction in helping those that are in need. She loves animals...I think she would have 10 stray dogs in the house if we would let her. You can trust this girl...she always keeps her word, and loves to invest in all of her friendships. She is a young one..only a sophomore, but is wise beyond her years. She is also is good at painting and singing, but she is really modest and would never say it out loud.