These pics are from my last big trip in Europe. I went to Belgium, Scotland, and Ireland from June 20th-28th with my roomie, Sally. The bottom two pics are from Bruges, Belgium. If you are wandering if the waffles and chocolate are as good as people say they are...they are better. We spent two nights in this cute lil town. We didnt do much touristy except go to the chocolate museum. They actually had a life sized chocolate statue of Obama..so I had to go see that. Other than that, this town reminds me of a lil Venice with all of the canals. Really cute and relaxing. We also spent half a day in Brussels. This town is not worth seeing in my opinion. Next, we flew to Edinburgh, Scotland. Picture 4 is of me on the beach, 5 is of the skyline, and 6 is the castle there. This is also a cute lil town. Im not gunna lie, it felt really good to be back in an English speaking country. We spent 3 nights and 2 full days in Edinburgh. We did the New Europe walking tour, which is always good, watched some world cup games, and just walked around the city. What I liked most about Scotland was that it didnt get dark until 11pm. Lastly, we went to Ireland. This is a place I will for sure go back again. One, I love the irish, two, I love their music, and three, the country side is A-mazing. We stayed in Dublin, but those top 3 pics are of the country side in the Wiklow Mountains area. I took a day trip there, only 24 euro, and worth every penny. The 3rd pic is of the Guiness Lake, and the 2nd pic is the bridge from PS I love you. We also saw where scenes from Braveheart were filmed as well. Lucky for us, it was our hostels 25th bday when we were there. So we got to enjoy live music, from an amazing irish band i might add, and good bbq. Our sweet irish friends, Miriam and Sam, also came to see us while we were there. Well..that pretty much sums up that trip. I plan to definitely go back to the Irish country side one day.
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