Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Once you pop.

I dont eat alot of junkfood, but if I do...my 3 weaknesses are Sour Cream and Onion Pringles, Doritos, and Double Stuff Oreos. Why this is blog worthy..im not sure...but the slogan once you pop you cant stop..is so true. And yes...I lick the sour cream and onion off each one before I eat it. Its that good :)

Monday, May 10, 2010


On Saturday Amanda, Ashley, and I spent an American day in Vienna. We shopped, sit at Starbucks, went to see Remember Me, and ate at an English Sports Pub. Thats the best cheeseburger in Vienna. O...and if you havent seen Remember Me. Its a must see. I was emotionally unstable for the next 30 minutes after..but its worth it.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Drink FairTrade

In the US we consume 1/5 of the world's total coffee consumption. Most American's dont know however, that the coffee we drink that is not fair trade is the equivalent to sweatshops...Many coffee farmers receive wages so low that they are driven into poverty. If you purchase fairtrade..the coffee you are buying is regulated and ensures that the people who worked hard to farm the coffee beans are getting paid for their work. So before you buy..make sure its fair trade. Starbucks has it...you just have to ask for it. If consumers speak out about it...the coffee industry will be forced to change for the better. Even better...you can buy from gobena.org and 100% of the profits go to helping orphans all around the world.

The Top Ten Things I would tell a Freshman!

10. Dont take 8am classes. You wont go.
9. Don't freak out if you dont know your major. Its okay to be undecided for a while.
8. Live on Campus
7. Get a Mentor..they can help you..pray with you..pray for you..give you good advice.
6. Call your mom..she still loves you and probably has some good advice.
5. Get Involved @ School and in your community...It's what you make it.
4. Study Abroad
3. Have Fun..Its the time of your life.
2. "Go to meet your bridesmaids...not your husband."
1. Make your faith your own. Know why you believe what you believe.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I want a puppy

When I get a big girl job..the first thing I wanna buy or rescue is a puppy. I either want a cavachon, cavapoo, cockapoo, or maltipoo. When I grow up..in like 10 years..i think I want a boxer...but until i want one of these lil guys.